69- Keith LaMar (Bomani Shakur) - Exculpatory Evidence
Keith LaMar (Bomani Shakur) has been sentenced to death by The State of Ohio for crimes that occurred during the Lucasville prison riots.
Since 1993 - 21 years, some 7,655 days and counting - Keith LaMar (Bomani Shakur) has been held in solitary confinement for crimes, he claims, (and I Bryan Davis believe) he did not commit. Keith has not been held on death row with customary 'privileges', he has been in Solitary confinement, this is criminal, a wholly criminal act. I've no idea how Keith has managed to fight as long as he has, yet here he is, stating his case, telling his story. There are more men involved here, there are more stories, here is one...
Listen to this interview and follow through by visiting Keith's website, and I would urge you to read his book. - Bryan Davis
Understand- Keith may soon be legally Murdered by The State of Ohio.
Listen, act.