Hunt Gather Love with Melissa

These are words and themes I heard, upon review:

  • Melissa's health woes
  • Melissa's discovery via Freakonomics and Art DeVany
  • Paleo Diet and Variations 
  • 80/20
  • Underlying allergens
  • Gastric Distress- Fructins
  • Developing toxin tolerances
  • The damaged gut and repair
  • SCD- Specific Carbohydrate Diet
  • GERD
  • Anti-Inflammatory foods
  • GAPS Diet
  • Day job
  • Paleo debates- Safe Starches, Low Carb, Eat real food and all the rest
  • Dr. Ron Rosedale
  • CRON diet
  • Genetics
  • Bryan trolled Melissa?
  • Perhaps a lack of meat made Bryan insane
  • Arguing with a vegan
  • Bill Gates loves GMO's
  • The Art of Arguing- Mastered by Melissa
  • Melissa recommends reading- I can't handle it
  • Bryan podcasts to build a personal health database
  • Melissa's blog and her Start Here page
  • Demolish The Lipid Hypothesis
  • Gary Taubes
  • Loren Cordain's The Paleo Diet book is not a good place to start!
  • Loren's depressing dietary recommendations
  • Steven Guyenet- Whole Health Source
  • Food reward
  • Seth Roberts
  • Hacks
  • The Compass of Pleasure
  • Alcoholism / Addiction
  • Dopamine signaling
  • Bryan hates Paleo 'baking'
  • Be decadent
  • Fake cake
  • Veblen- The Veblen Effect
  • Melissa is a lousy hipster
  • Eating while poor
  • Moralizing food stamps
  • Class Warfare
  • Sourcing quality food/meat, go here: eatwild.com
  • Melissa's father starts a farm
  • Joel Salatin books - Folks, This Ain't Normal and Everything I Want To Do Is illegal
  • Comtemplating addictions
  • Bryan stomped food addiction, but alcohol and smokes rule the day (or night as it were)
  • Failing
  • Paleo Lifestyle
  • Words = Reality
  • Woo
  • Weight loss plateaus
  • Crossfit Babes- Some too lean, some just right
  • Nora Gedgaudas - is she crazed? misguided?
  • Dr. Jack Kruse and Cold Thermogenesis
  • Swedish and Finnish Saunas
  • Hormesis
  • Life- One Big Experimet
  • John Durant
  • Sauna Culture- Getting beaten with a birch branch!
  • Nude Swedish Sauna Sausage Making
  • Nudity - Sausage - Beer
  • Erwin Lacorre
  • Swearing and being explicit- Attractive!
  • Paleo Hacks
  • Dr. Kurt Harris & The Archivore Diet
  • Bryan calls Kurt Harris a Dick
  • Is Melissa another Richard Dawkins?
  • The Metaphysics of food
  • Woo!
  • The human bell curve
  • The No True Scotsman Fallacy
  • Low carb advocates
  • Science minded youth
  • Grad school and the academia dillema
  • WAPF
  • Dr. Mercola- Alarmist BS- or is it just Marketing?
  • Funding a podcast/blog
  • Incubator kitchen
  • Ron Paul
  • Saying shit
  • Tenure
  • Grumpy Old
  • Why grow old?
  • Death by car
  • Calories by Beer!
  • Talking Trash
  • Mat Lalonde
  • No Bullshit
  • Lectins
  • Anti-Nutrients
  • Hemochromatosis
  • DIY Science
  • Hating Bullshit and Being a Bitch
  • Boing Boing and Magie Koerth
  • Melissa is NOT Richard Dawkins
  • Melissa's family farm
  • The Squatty Potty and funding a project
  • Duck Fat
  • Coffee, Mycotoxins and The Bulletproof Exec
  • Origins Beanery
  • Roast Your Own!
  • No perfect people?
  • Money, Money- Bryan needs a sponsor?
  • Kombucha and the secondary ferment
  • The ferment and the law
  • Michael Ruhlman
  • Illegal Food
  • Illegal Supper Clubs
  • Cottage Foods and The Incubator Kitchen
  • Food Regulations- Out of wack
  • There's Hope!
  • Vintage Cookbooks


Now is the time to be alive


  • Jamie Oliver
  • Cultural Food
  • Healing farmers with food
  • Bryan's account of the sickly Amish
  • Meat CSA
  • Joel Salatin meets Robb Wolf
  • The 20%
  • Faux Mexican Night
  • Massa
  • Toxic food paradigm
  • Gluten
  • Sourdough
  • Fear of food
  • Restaurants suck
  • Chef Brian Doyle
  • Grandpa Steve reversed Type 2 diabetes

 ...and more, but I must go now. Hope you enjoyed the show.

Also- I sound like a petty douche bag when I gossip. I should stop doing that.